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Personal lines
Customizing equipment endorsement
We have an insured with a conversion van that has an automatic lift to accommodate a handicapped individual. The company has added the Customizing Equipment Coverage (PP 03 18) endorsement, but says that it will not cover the ramp, since the lift controls are electronic. We do not think the exclusion for electronic equipment would apply to the ramp. Who is right?
Seawall damage
During a heavy windstorm, a dock broke loose from another property and crashed into a seawall on our client’s property. The owner of the dock remains unknown.
Our insured has a Dwelling Fire Policy (DP 00 03). The insurer has denied a claim for damage to the seawall under General Exclusions, Item 3. Water. Their claims manager and adjuster both take the position that this damage was an indirect result of tidal water and, therefore, would fall under this exclusion.
We cannot see why this exclusion would apply for damage caused by the collision of the dock into the seawall. Doesn’t the exclusion refer to damage caused by the water itself?
Personal umbrellas and trusts
We have an insured who has put all his assets into a living trust. He has personal auto, homeowners and umbrella policies with us. The company has changed the named insured on the personal auto and homeowners policies to reflect the trust, but it refused to do so on the umbrella. Would the umbrella still provide excess coverage over these policies, since the named insured is not the same?