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Auto no-fault


PIP coverage—recovery of payment

Are PIP benefits recoverable by the payer?


Company vehicles—Broadened PIP

In New Jersey, PIP benefits follow the individual. The insured person under the New Jersey PIP form is the eligible injured person, which is defined as the named insured. The named insured under a commercial auto policy is typically a corporation; the corporation cannot sustain bodily injury. Are the executive officers and/or the individuals driving the vehicles on the commercial policy automatically included under the New Jersey PIP form, or do they have to be endorsed under the Broadened PIP endorsement?


Broadened PIP

If the broadened PIP endorsement is not necessary for benefits under the commercial auto form, what coverage does this form provide? Someone told me that this endorsement provides PIP coverage for vehicles that are not scheduled on the Commercial Auto Policy, to include a vehicle borrowed from a friend.


Which state’s PIP applies?

In New York, the policy that pays personal injury protection benefits is determined by the vehicle the person occupies and, in New Jersey, the policy is determined by the named insured, or the person’s relationship to the named insured. If a New Jersey corporation furnishes a New Jersey-registered vehicle to an executive officer that lives and garages it in New York, which PIP benefits would apply?


Workers’ compensation offsets

If an employee is in an accident while working, he or she will file the medical claims under workers’ compensation coverage. If their workers’ compensation coverage is making indemnity payments, which are substantially lower than the insured’s salary, can the additional PIP coverage pay for the difference up to a maximum of 66 2/3 in New Jersey?


Livery (taxi, limo, bus, etc.) passengers

If there were individuals traveling as passengers in a bus or a limo, and they were injured in a car accident, who would pay for their medical expenses? I believe personal injury protection benefits would be excluded under the personal auto policy in New Jersey. Please confirm.


Company car

Our client is a person who lives in New York, but works in New Jersey driving a company car that is registered in New Jersey (although garaged at his home in New York). He does not have a personal auto policy. If he is in an accident in New Jersey, would he be entitled to New Jersey benefits? If he had an accident in New York, would he be entitled to New York benefits? Also, this individual is scheduled under the Named Individuals—Broadened Personal Injury Protection Coverage (CA 22 01) endorsement. How will this affect coverage?


Out-of-state drivers

If a Pennsylvania driver gets into an accident in New Jersey, does the New Jersey verbal threshold apply?


PIP threshold

If a husband has a personal auto policy with a zero threshold, and the wife also has a PAP but chooses the verbal threshold, what option would apply to children living in the home?


No-fault won’t cover eyeglasses

I have an insured who had an at-fault auto accident in which her prescription glasses were broken. The insurance company is telling her to collect under her homeowners policy because personal injury protection coverage will not pay for prescription glasses. Is this true?


Which law prevails?

We have a personal auto client, a New Jersey resident, who was injured while driving a New Jersey-registered company car in New York state. Does the personal auto policy respond as primary coverage (because New Jersey PIP coverage follows the insured), or does the company’s business auto policy respond as primary coverage (because New York PIP coverage follows the auto)?


Death benefit

My insured suffered a fatality. Now the company wants to deny the death benefit and funeral expense provisions of the personal injury protection coverage. They say the benefits do not apply because the insured did not die within 48 hours after the accident. I’ve never heard of this rule.


Agent immunity for tort-option selection

Are agents held harmless for their client’s selection of a verbal threshold?


Coordination of benefits

When the PIP-as-secondary coverage option has been selected, does the auto insurer apply its deductible and copayment limitations to the balance not paid by the health benefit plan?


Pennsylvania no-fault

The Pennsylvania PIP benefits appear to be very similar to New York where the PIP benefits follow the car. Please confirm.


Borrowed pickup

A client that has a personal automobile policy that includes New Jersey personal injury protection borrows a pickup truck that is owned by a corporation and insured on a commercial auto policy. He and his wife are moving their own furniture when the accident occurs. Will the personal auto PIP cover their injuries in the corporately owned and commercially registered borrowed pickup truck?


Eligibility for PIP benefits

What are the two most important things policyholders need to know about eligibility for New Jersey PIP benefits?


Out-of-state drivers clarified

There is an accident in New Jersey and both drivers are Pennsylvania residents. The claimant’s insurance company does not do business in New Jersey and the defendant’s does. Would the New Jersey verbal threshold apply?


PIP coverage—definition of an “automobile”

What vehicles are eligible for personal injury protection coverage?


Out-of-state registration

I have a client who will soon be declaring residency in Florida and changing his driver’s license to Florida. He will be living in Florida for six months and New Jersey for six months. The client wants one vehicle to be registered in Florida and one vehicle to remain registered in New Jersey. The vehicle registered in Florida will be driven back and forth; and the vehicle registered in New Jersey will remain in New Jersey. Can the client have two personal auto policies for two different states to cover these two vehicles?


Verbal threshold

How does the verbal threshold work? Does it apply to economic loss or just noneconomic loss?


Out-of-state medical treatment

Our client has a New Jersey personal automobile policy and is seeking medical treatment for an accident. If he chooses to see a doctor located in New York, we understand that out-of-state services are subject to the fee schedule. Is this correct? Also, we know that in New Jersey, doctors cannot balance bill the insured. Can the doctor in New York balance bill?


PIP coverage—persons afforded extended medical expense benefits

Who is insured by Extended Medical Expense Benefits Coverage?


PIP coverage—who is insured

Who is covered for Personal Injury Protection coverage?


PIP coverage—optional PIP

What PIP benefits are optional for a New Jersey Standard auto policy?


PIP coverage—which policy pays

Which policy pays for Personal Injury Protection coverage?


PIP coverage—Basic policy

What PIP limits may be purchased for a Basic policy?


PIP coverage—Special policy

What PIP limits may be purchased for a Special policy?


PIP coverage—out of state

What happens to PIP coverage when injured outside New Jersey?


PIP coverage—nonresident

What happens when nonresidents get injured in New Jersey?


PIP coverage—offsets to benefits

Can PIP benefits be reduced by other sources of recovery?


PIP coverage—deductible/co-payment

What is the claimant’s share of medical expenses?


PIP coverage—vehicles afforded Extended Medical Expense Benefits

What vehicle is covered by Extended Medical Expense Benefits Coverage?


PIP coverage—Standard policy

What PIP benefits are mandatory for a Standard policy?


PIP coverage—for pedestrians

How does it work when the claimant is a pedestrian?


PIP coverage—Extended Medical Expense Benefits

What is covered by Extended Medical Expense Benefits coverage?


PIP coverage—commercial auto broadened PIP

How do you insure a corporate officer who has no personal auto policy?


PIP coverage—Broadened PIP (PAP)

How do you give family PIP benefits coverage to a nanny?


PIP coverage—motor bus benefits

How is Motor Bus Passenger coverage provided?


PIP coverage—motor bus no-fault

What is the no-fault coverage for a motor bus?


PIP coverage—motor bus defined

What is an “insured motor bus”?


PIP coverage—fee schedule and protocols

How are the costs of PIP medical expense benefits limited?


PIP coverage—health as primary

How does the health-as-primary option work?


PIP coverage—pros and cons of the health-as-primary option

What are the consequences of choosing the health-as-primary option?


PIP coverage—PIP as secondary

What are the consequences of choosing the health-as-primary option?


Accident with commercial vehicle

Does New Jersey’s verbal threshold apply when a private-passenger vehicle and a commercial vehicle are involved in an accident?


PIP coverage—nonresident relative

We are quoting an auto policy for an elderly woman living in her home by herself. Her son, in his mid-50s, lives across the street in his own home, so he is not a resident of his mother’s household. The son does not own a vehicle and does not have an auto policy. We want to know if listing the son as a driver on his mother’s policy will trigger Personal Injury Protection coverage for the son while driving any car not owned by his mother. When we reviewed the law, the key words in the statute (N.J.S.A. 39:6A-4.2) refer to “any resident relative in the named insured’s household” with regard to who is covered. It does not mention nonresident relatives. Can PIA shed some light on this?


Right to sue

Under the New Jersey Automobile Reparations Reform Act, must I limit my right to sue someone responsible for my injuries in an auto accident?


No-fault law

What is the New Jersey no-fault law as it applies to personal vehicles?


Borrowed pickup

A client that has a personal automobile policy that includes New Jersey personal injury protection borrows a pickup truck that is owned by a corporation and insured on a commercial auto policy. He and his wife are moving their own furniture when the accident occurs. Will the personal auto PIP cover their injuries in the corporately owned and commercially registered borrowed pickup truck?