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Agency management


Scanned documents

Are scanned documents admissible in court?


Mailing of legal documents

I sometimes have to send time-sensitive insurance documents and prove that the recipient read them. Legally, what is my best option?


Interns under the FLSA

Are interns treated as employees under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act and, therefore, subject to the minimum wage and overtime rules?


Employer liability for misrepresentations in hiring

We read about an agency which hired two new members to its management team and told both of them separately, “When the current vice president retires, you will get her job.” Obviously both cannot get the job, but the agency wanted to entice both to join the staff to eventually determine which would be the better fit. Is the agency incurring any liability by doing so?


Making changes to an application based on oral conversation

Can an insurance producer make an additional change to an application, which has already been signed by the insured, with their verbal consent and have it be legal?


Employee social media activity

I saw that one of my employees recently “liked” a Facebook post, which was posted by our direct competitor, an entity with which we have had contentious relations in the past. We work hard to uphold our image as a team and I’ve thought about disciplining her, but want to make sure this is legal. Am I OK to do so?


Marketing text messages

Do I need permission to send marketing text messages?