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I.D. cards


Commercial I.D. cards

Could you review the law requiring commercial vehicles to have insurance I.D. cards?


Canadian I.D. cards

How do we get Canadian insurance identification cards?


I.D. cards—leased vehicles

Can private-passenger fleet insurance I.D. cards be designated as “all leased vehicles”?


I.D. cards—legal standards

We are having problems with our local Department of Motor Vehicles office accepting laser-printed I.D. cards rather than typed versions. Is there any rule stating they must accept laser-printed cards?


Standards for I.D. cards

It seems like each branch of the Department of Motor Vehicles has a different set of requirements for insurance I.D. cards. For example, I worked with a local branch that wants the agent to sign the I.D. card and print it on agency letterhead. Are there any standards set by law?