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Personal auto


Transportation expenses

Does a personal auto policy provide expenses for airfare if our insured is on vacation and his vehicle is stolen?


Rented vans

Will the Rental Vehicle Coverage Endorsement—New York cover a 15-passenger van?


Re-tiering and the 2 percent nonrenewal limit

When an insurer re-writes an auto policy from one of its company tiers to another, is this re-tiering charged to the insurer’s 2 percent allowance for nonrenewals/conditional renewals?


NYAIP: international drivers’ licenses

I have an applicant for the New York Automobile Insurance Plan who possesses an international driver’s license.

  1. Is he eligible for the Plan?
  2. Is he eligible for the careful-driver credit?
  3. Will he receive an inexperienced driver surcharge?

Rental car coverage limits

Is the coverage provided by New York’s Rental Vehicle Coverage Endorsement of the personal auto policy subject to any maximum limits or deductibles?


Physical damage inspections—used vehicles

A policyholder bought a car from a used-car dealer, but she did not have a physical damage inspection within 14 days. An accident subsequently occurred, and the company denied collision coverage. The policyholder has her own “before” and “after” pictures showing there was no prior damage to the vehicle. Also, isn’t the company supposed to waive the inspection on newly purchased vehicles if the client produces a bill of sale? 


Physical damage inspections—waivers

Our companies are not consistent in their physical damage inspection requirements. Some waive the inspection if they have written the policy for four years or if the vehicle is at least seven years old. Other companies require inspections in these cases. Are they required to waive the inspections?



I have a couple insured in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. The wife’s driving record is clean, but the husband’s record is not. However, he currently is in the Army, stationed in Korea. Why should the policy be surcharged because of his record when he is not technically residing in the household?


NYAIP: Inexperienced operator surcharge

My insured is an 18-year-old inexperienced operator in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. He owns two cars. Should his rates for both cars be surcharged as an inexperienced operator, or only the vehicle he usually drives?


NYAIP: Assigned carrier lasts three years

My insured does not like the company he was assigned to in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. He wants me to cancel and re-write the policy to get another company. I told him he will probably end up with the same company. Is this correct?


NYAIP: Physical damage inspections

Are vehicles seven-years-old or older exempt from the physical damage inspection in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan?


NYAIP: vehicle garaged out-of-state

Can I write an auto in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan if the principal place of garaging is out-of-state? The vehicle owner is a student residing in New York but attending college in Georgia.


Classic cars in NYAIP

I am trying to get comprehensive coverage for some “classic” vehicles, specifically a ’48 Packard, ’64 Corvette, ’72 Cadillac and ’82 Oldsmobile. The usual antique car markets have turned down this risk due to the driving record. This leaves the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. Does the NYAIP afford “actual cash value” coverage for classic cars (as opposed to book value)?


Surcharges for accidents in company cars

I thought that if a person is involved in an accident while driving a business-owned vehicle, his personal auto policy cannot be surcharged for the accident. I have a company that is trying to tell me I am wrong. What is the rule?


No surcharge for injury while parked

My insured put in a claim under Personal Injury Protection. Now the company is trying to surcharge for the “accident.” Here’s what happened: my insured’s car was parked, and he slipped and fell, breaking his wrist as he tried to enter the car. Can the company surcharge for this?


Defensive-driving courses—not retroactive

I have an insured who is in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. He had a clean record and took the state-approved defensive-driving course in January 2021, receiving a credit on his premium effective February 2021. By November 2021, this client had accumulated eight Department of Motor Vehicles points. His insurance was canceled for nonpayment, and then he was convicted of DWI. Since he had taken the defensive-driving course earlier, would it remove four points from his record?


NYAIP coverage—unregistered vehicles

We got a call from a man who was convicted of DWI and surrendered his driver's license and vehicle registration. Now the bank is harassing him because he is not maintaining comprehensive coverage on the vehicle. Could he buy it in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan?


Splitting policies upon divorce

My clients are getting a divorce, and they want to get separate policies on their two vehicles (each spouse owns one car). The company won’t go along with this, because the husband had a total theft claim. How should we handle this?


Personal auto policy is primary for bus accidents

How come, if a child is injured in a school bus accident, the parents’ auto insurance policy pays?


Covering employer who furnishes auto

My client is furnished an auto leased by his employer. The employer told my client to register and insure the auto with the employer named as additional insured, as required by the lessor. But the insurer will not add the employer as an additional insured. What can I do?


Rented van

My client is renting a van in order to transport a group of Girl Scouts. Will the van be covered for loss or damage under her personal auto policy’s rental car endorsement?


NYAIP: Surcharge time frame

An applicant came in who, in the last two weeks, had a property damage accident of more than $4,000 and a citation for speeding (70 mph in a 50 mph zone). I put him in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. Will he be surcharged for these incidents now?


Livery use exclusion

Our insured, a corrections officer, uses his own car to transport prisoners to the doctor, etc. He is reimbursed by his employer. Is coverage for liability excluded by the personal auto policy’s public or livery conveyance exclusion?


Inexperienced operator surcharge

An applicant came in for auto insurance. He held a driver’s license from age 18 to 25 but then let it lapse for four years. Now, at 29, he has taken the test and received a new driver’s license. We are writing him in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. Do we surcharge him as an inexperienced driver?


Named nonowner policy—rental car coverage

I have been asked to write a named nonowner auto policy for a client who does not own a vehicle of his own. Will this policy give him coverage for rental cars?


NYAIP: Additional vehicle

Our insured had a policy written in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan. He purchased a second car, and we issued an I.D. card and forwarded his deposit premium. Unfortunately, we did not pick up on the fact that the policy had already been canceled for nonpayment of premium. What should we do?


Rates applicable to replacement autos

How do we rate a change of vehicle midterm when the company has taken a rate increase since the inception of the policy? In our case, our client’s policy runs from June to June. In September, the company took a rate increase, and in October our client replaced his vehicle. Should the new vehicle be rated according to the old rates or the new ones?


NYAIP: Minimum commission

On New York Automobile Insurance Plan business, can a producer be billed for commission on earned premium that the insurer has not collected from the insured?


Medical payments

Our insured was in an auto accident. The family dog, riding in the car, was hurt. Are the veterinarian’s bills covered under the medical payments coverage?


Camper trailers

My client has an auto camper-trailer on blocks at a campsite with an attached, screened-in porch. Is the porch covered against damage or loss on his auto policy? What about liability for accidents occurring in the camper or on the porch?


Snowplowing—personal auto liability

My insured has a pickup truck as his personal vehicle. In the winter, he mounts a snowplow on it—for his personal use, he says. I am concerned in case he may be plowing others’ property for money. Would there be any exclusion of coverage if this were the case?


Golf cart liability

Our client accidentally injured his golf partner when he lost control of the golf cart. He has asked whether there is any coverage under his auto policy. He also has a condo policy.


Volunteer drivers

One of my insureds drives her own personal vehicle in volunteer work for the Red Cross. She transports people to doctors and hospitals for appointments. Is there an endorsement to cover this situation?


Named nonowned coverage

How does our agency provide coverage for people who do not insure owned autos on a personal automobile policy to protect them when they borrow a car for personal use? They are furnished a corporate car, but the insurer will not add drive-other-car coverage on the business automobile policy.


Federal employee exclusion

My insured took a job with the U.S. Post Office. She became alarmed when she was told by her employer that her personal auto policy would not cover her while on the job. Can this be true?



My client’s car was hit by another auto. Now the other driver’s insurer has denied coverage due to lack of cooperation by its insured. Can they do this?


Physical damage

We have a client who is the named insured on a personal auto policy covering his owned vehicle. His wife and son have leased another vehicle. Is the leased automobile covered on the father’s policy for physical damage coverage?


Military service and youthful operators

We insure a family whose young son is away serving in the military. Do we need to rate him as a youthful operator on his family’s auto policy?


Learner’s permit holders

Through an underwriting questionnaire, an auto insurance company learned about a child in the household who just started driving with a learner’s permit. The company is demanding an additional rate for this driver, even though he is not yet licensed. Can the company do this?


Horse trailers covered

We insure a husband and wife who own eight automobiles and three trailers. They use the trailers to haul horses. Are the trailers covered under their personal auto policy?


Damage by rodent

The lights went out on my client’s Thunderbird. The mechanic found a mouse that had been chewing on the wires. Can a claim be made under the comprehensive coverage?


Total loss—insurer’s option

Following a coastal storm, we had a loss involving a vehicle which had been subjected to immersion in salt water. The client had a $2,000 repair estimate. The company insisted on totaling the vehicle, at about $12,000. The company took the position that, if salt water had come up to the floorboard, it would only give the client the option of withdrawing the claim or accepting the total loss and surrendering the vehicle for salvage. The company said that corrosion would cause her additional problems down the road. The client was adamant about keeping her car; meanwhile, she was driving it! Was the company within its rights?


DWI—collision coverage

I have a personal auto insured that was involved in an accident and was cited for driving while intoxicated. The carrier is disclaiming collision coverage citing that DWI. Can carriers exclude this coverage under these circumstances?


Coverage for employer

My client’s employer wants to be covered while the client uses his personal auto for business-related activities. How can the employer be covered if the insurer refuses to add the employer as an additional insured?


Children’s cars create coverage gap

We have a husband and wife who have four cars. Two cars we insure for bodily injury liability at 250/500 plus an umbrella liability policy. There also are two children living with them who drive two other cars which we insure in the New York Automobile Insurance Plan at 25/50 BI limits.

If one of the children were in an accident and the 25/50 limits were used up, could the family rely on the parents’ 250/500 BI and then the umbrella policy?


Agent’s role in claims

How do we handle a situation in which clients either do not have collision coverage, or don’t want to use the collision coverage they have, when the other driver is at fault? Sometimes we are asked to help a client recover from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.


Pickups used for business

We insure a pickup truck on a New York personal auto policy. The pickup is used to deliver appliances and do servicing work. This truck is scheduled on the declarations page. If the client replaces this pickup, will the new truck be covered for this business-related use?


Property damage surcharge threshold

For purposes of surcharging under the merit-rating system outlined in Regulation 100, can the insurance company include the cost of rental car reimbursement? We have a claim with no bodily injury and about $1,800 in repair costs. The payment for rental car reimbursement will push the total claim payment over the $2,000 threshold.


Timing of rate increase

On a personal auto policy, can the insurance company increase the premium after six months, or must the company wait until the end of the one-year required policy period?


Coverage for day-care transport

Our insured provides family day-care in her home. When she is driving the children in her car, would any accident be covered under her personal auto policy, or does she need a commercial policy?


Duty to defend when limits exhausted

Under the personal auto policy, are the liability limits reduced by the legal costs of defending the claim?


Personal auto policy coverage for hauling boats in connection with business

My client has a personal automobile policy. He also owns a business. About two or three times a year, he hauls boats that are connected with this business. Would his personal automobile policy exclude liability coverage if a claim occurs?


Motor home not covered if rented to friend

Our client owns a motor home, insured under a personal auto policy. He wants to rent it to a friend and wants to know if it will still be covered while rented.


Damage to plow

We’ve run into a claim dispute over a snowplow attached to a pickup truck. The insurer is denying the claim for damage to the plow, based on the exclusion applying to “any custom furnishings or equipment in or upon any pickup or van.” Are they correct? If so, other PIA members should know about this potential problem!


No license, no permit

We have a company that went ahead and added a 16-year-old to his parents’ auto policy, even though this teenager doesn’t have a license or a permit and has no accidents or tickets. The company says that so many people neglect to add their children when the children start driving that they have decided to do so automatically when the children turn 16. I thought a company could add unlicensed drivers only if they are proven to have been driving (e.g., had an accident or ticket). Who is right?


Stolen auto scenarios

We recently had two situations involving stolen vehicles. In the first case, a stolen car hit our insured’s car. Can he collect from the policy of the people who owns the car?

In the second case, it was our insured whose car was stolen. He has acquired a replacement and wants to delete the stolen car and add the new one. What if the stolen car shows up?


Trailer has coverage under personal auto policy

We have an insured with a tractor that he transports on a trailer pulled by his personal vehicle. He may be starting a lawn-mowing business. He has some coverage questions. First, does he have coverage for this use of the trailer under his personal auto policy? Second, what if the tractor falls off the trailer while it is being transported and hits another vehicle; is damage to the other vehicle covered? Can he get coverage for use of the tractor?


Comprehensive coverage applies to contact with deer

Would a collision with a deer be considered a “collision” under the personal auto policy and, therefore, covered under the collision coverage portion of the policy?


N.Y. vehicle located outside the U.S.

A client had her car shipped to Italy still bearing her New York license plates. The vehicle is insured through us and also in Italy. Due to certain Italian rules, the vehicle cannot be registered in Italy. Therefore, if we can’t return the New York plates, how can I cancel the New York insurance policy without my client’s registration being suspended.


Parent's liability for a child's operation of an auto

I was under the impression that a parent is responsible for a child operating an auto until he reaches the age of 18, and then the child should get his own auto policy. My client’s attorney claims that the age of accountability is 21. What are the rules?


Other state registrations

Does a Connecticut personal auto policy cover autos that are registered in other states?


Parental liability for child’s actions

Can the parents of a young driver who registers and insures a vehicle in his/her own name be held liable for a serious accident caused by their child? If yes, would the parent’s personal auto and umbrella policies provide any defense? For this question, assume the driver is under 18 and living with his/her parents OR a student away at school under 24 years old. Many parents question if they could be brought into a lawsuit for an accident caused by their child and if any protection would be available under their own personal insurance.


Nonowned motorcycle dilemma

We have been asked the following question but need to confirm the answer. Alexander, 21, took a short ride (about a half mile) on his friend’s new motorcycle. He skidded out, fell off the bike (with only minor injuries) and the bike was damaged. The friend with the new bike did not have collision insurance, and the estimate is $8,000 for repairs. Of course, Alexander is responsible to return the motorcycle to its new condition. Is there any coverage for this cost in an auto or homeowners policy?


Third-party uninsured vehicle

Can an insurer deny payment for damages to a claimant’s vehicle if the claimant’s vehicle was uninsured at the time? The claimant’s vehicle was parked and the neighbor backed into it and the neighbor’s insurance carrier is denying payment.


Rental vehicle for family member

Our clients have a personal auto policy. A 24-year-old daughter is listed as a driver and resides in the household, but is not a named insured. Is there coverage on the PAP if the 24-year-old daughter rents a vehicle while on vacation?


Exiting a vehicle

My insured, as he was about to open the door to his auto, tripped and fell. In the process of falling, they fell into his auto suffering severe injuries to his shoulder. Can my insured claim Personal Injury Protection for his accident?


’Active duty’ clarification

We were told by one company that if a son/daughter is in “boot camp” or basic training that this is not considered active duty, so they will charge until he/she has passed basic training and becomes “active.” Is this correct?


Vehicle owner’s vicarious liability

My client is being surcharged for an accident under circumstances where his vehicle was stolen by an individual who was negligent in causing property damage with the vehicle. My client had left the vehicle unlocked with the motor running while temporarily parked on the street in front of his home. The insurer claimed that it had to pay for the damages because it could not defend the claim against the owner. Is this right?


Renting a moving truck

My client is renting a moving truck to move from one house to another. The rental company is telling him that his auto policy will not cover him because the vehicle he is renting has a gross vehicle weight of 25,500 lbs. and is commercially registered. I believe he is covered since there is no weight restriction on a van or truck and there is no specific definition of a van on the policy. Is he covered or not?


Surcharges and subrogation

Where is the rule that protects policyholders against surcharges if a subrogation action recovers at least one-third of the property damage claim amount?


Connecticut minimum limits

Connecticut’s increased liability limits for personal auto policies went into effect on Jan. 1, 2018. Does that automatically increase the limits on all personal auto policies regardless of whether or not the policyholder has increased the limits on their own policy?


Diminished value

Are personal auto insurers providing personal automobile insurance in New York required to pay for the diminished value of a vehicle that has been repaired after an accident?


Dual claims

A client is insured with Carrier A under a standard personal automobile policy and has an accident with another insured of the same carrier under the same type of policy. Both insureds have New York policies and garage their cars in New York.

It is my understanding that the deductible for collision is waived for both parties to the accident in this circumstance regardless of fault? Is this true?


PAP coverage for vehicle contents

Our insured transported on his trailer a tool box belonging to his future son-in-law. The box was loaded negligently, flipping the trailer damaging the box. The personal auto policy insurer is denying coverage based upon Exclusion A.2. applicable to property being transported by the insured and Exclusion A.3. applicable to property in the care of the insured. On the face, it appears the insurer is correct. However, I am disturbed when I reflect on these exclusions. If I offer my friend a ride to the airport and have an accident, the personal auto policy will cover him for bodily injury and personal injury protection, but will not cover his suitcase and its contents. Depending on the valuables in the suitcase, I could have a significant property damage exposure for which I have no coverage. How can this be covered?


Be careful when replacing vehicles

An insured contacted us to let us know of the purchase of a new vehicle and that he was trading in the old one shortly. Our insured also informed us that while on the way to pick up the new vehicle, they were coming by our agency to pick up the identification cards. If we issue the I.D. card would our insured be protected if he or she is involved in an accident on the way to the dealership?


Multi-state policies

An insured lives in New York and has a car here, but also has a residence in Florida and has a car there too. The car is garaged in Florida so, therefore, they took out a Florida policy. Can an insured have two auto policies? If this is OK and the insured gets into an accident, which policy would pay?


Physician’s statement required for driver

One of our insureds has had their personal auto coverage with a carrier for many years and recently turned 70 years old. The carrier is requesting the insured provide them with a physician’s statement. Are carriers allowed to ask the insured for a physician’s statement when they turn 70 years old?


Borrowing a friend’s truck to pick up supplies

I borrowed my friend’s pick-up truck so I could go to Home Depot and get some supplies. While I was borrowing it, I got into an accident. I don’t want my neighbor to have his rates raised because of this. I just want to confirm that my insurance will cover the damages?


Renting an ATV

My insured will be going on vacation to Virginia and renting an all-terrain vehicle. Is there coverage under the personal auto policy?


Total loss valuation

A client of mine recently had an accident and their vehicle was declared a total loss. How does the company arrive at their figure? Is there a specific way in which the total loss amount should be calculated?


PAP racing exclusion

We had an inquiry from a high-performance auto owner who desires to race his car on a track that is set up for such use. The insurer is telling us there is no coverage for this activity. Are you aware of any specific exclusion pertaining to the “racing” of autos in New York? Would it be applicable to both liability and physical damage?


Insuring the lessor on a personal auto policy

My client insures a leased vehicle on a personal auto policy. The leasing company is requiring that it be added to the policy as an additional insured and loss payee. The insurer issued an additional interest endorsement and will not issue an additional insured endorsement. Will the additional interest endorsement satisfy the needs of the lessor?


Deceased auto policyholder

We have an auto policyholder who recently died and her children are wondering if they can drive the car. If they are insured while driving the car, is coverage under the policy the same as it was for the deceased named insured?


Out-of-state coverage under Added PIP

I know there are options to increase benefits under Added PIP in New York, but I think it also expands coverage beyond Basic PIP for injured persons outside of New York. How does this work?


MV-104 accident report notification

Does the law, which increased the property damage threshold for which carriers may assess a surcharge from $1,000 to $2,000, change the requirement to notify the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles if there is an accident with at least $1,000 in physical damage?


Lending a vehicle to a friend

Our daughter has a vehicle, with her own insurance policy, away at school with her. She called me the other day to tell me the car was in an accident. She had let her friend drive it and her friend caused an accident. The accident will be reported on her friend’s insurance, right?


Pizza delivery

Our insured’s son just started working for a pizza shop. They are having him use his own car for the deliveries. I am worried there would be no coverage in the event of an accident. Does he have coverage, while using his car to deliver pizza, in the event of an accident?


Personal auto owned by trust

When a trust owns a vehicle insured on a personal automobile policy written in the name of the grantor, how do you reconcile coverage as primary if the Other Insurance provision states coverage is excess for a vehicle not owned by the named insured?


Thinking of pizza delivery while laid off from work

Our insured’s son just started working for a pizza shop because he has been temporarily laid off from work. They are having him use his own car for the deliveries. I am worried there would be no coverage in the event of an accident. Does he have coverage, while using his car to deliver pizza, in the event of an accident?


Automobile recall

Recently, an auto manufacturer had a recall on the air bags in some of their vehicles and they are advising consumers not to drive their vehicles until repaired. The manufacturer is offering loaner vehicles, available from the dealership, since they are expecting it will take several months until the vehicles will be properly repaired. Will our insureds have proper coverage from their auto policy for the entire duration they have access to the loaner vehicle?


Auto medical payments

Why would my client want to purchase auto medical payments coverage when personal injury protection in New York covers medical payments?