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Ride hailing


ISO introduces three new TNC endorsements

Overview of three new endorsements being filed by the Insurance Services Offices Inc. to address the emergence of transportation network companies. 2 pages


The buzz about ride-hailing programs

Ride hailing is growing in popularity. This resource kit discusses some of the insurance ramifications of these programs. 2 pages


Sample customer letter: Personal-lines clients delivering for app-based food delivery services

A sample letter that can be used for personal-lines clients that are delivering food for app-based delivery programs. 1 page


What the hail?

A comprehensive review of the ride-hailing issue, including recent legislative proposals. 3 pages


When is it time to have ‘the talk’ ... about ride hailing?

A discussion for insurance producers on when to discuss the issue of ride hailing with their personal-lines insureds. 2 pages


Uber-nerd: a discussion on ride hailing

This resource kit offers an overview of ride hailing and what coverages are required for TNCs. 2 pages