QuickSource Document Service

QuickSource materials are available to PIA members only if you have not registered for MEMBER ONLY services from PIA click here now.

Below is a listing of the documents that are available. Simply click on the document title to select that documents. The index is updated on a regular basis.

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Company appointments


Six steps to true carrier partnerships

Gives you the information you need to create and maintain a healthy relationship with the carriers with which you do business. 3 pages


PIA’s Agency/Company Appointment Program and Appointment Access Program

Brochure on PIA’s Agency/Company Appointment and Appointment Access Programs that assist members, carriers, MGAs and GAs in finding each other for possible appointments. 2 pages


How to present your agency to a company for appointment

A guide for agencies to prepare for a possible company appointment, including a discussion of business, marketing and perpetuation plans. 19 pages


Establish solid business practices with your carriers—classic strategies for success

This resource kit discusses some classic strategies for success for your agency. 3 pages


From the ground up—establish solid business practices with your carriers

This resource kit discusses frustrations that can arise between agents and carriers and gives some ideas on how to alleviate those frustrations. 2 pages


The agent-carrier relationship—new customers, efficiency and customer service are vital

This resource kit focuses on the importance of acquisition, protection and retention of clients as a foundation for carriers and agents working together as a team. 2 pages


Make your carrier your best friend—strong agency-carrier relationships

A resource offering ways to keep your agency-carrier relationships flourishing. 2 pages