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Below is a listing of the documents that are available. Simply click on the document title to select that documents. The index is updated on a regular basis.
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Legislative/regulatory issues
What is bad faith?
A discussion about bad faith during the claims process. 2 pages
Get the facts on the do-not-fax law
A comprehensive summary of the federal do-not-fax law so you can act in accordance with this rule. 3 pages
National Association of Professional Insurance Agents 2022 issues of focus
Overview of the federal legislative issues papers that support the independent agency system and the consumer they protect. 10 pages
An engaging article on e-delivery of documents
A discussion about the importance of following the law when it comes to e-delivery of insurance documents. 3 pages
Sample fax consent form
Sample fax consent form for agencies to use in getting their clients’ permission to fax to comply with the do-not-fax rule effective July 1, 2005. 1 page
Federal and state do-not-call rules: a guide for PIA members
Provides specific advice about individual legal, business or other questions relating to do-not-call rules. 13 pages
Insurance producers: independent contractors or employees?
This resource kit offers guidance on how to make the proper determination as to whether a producer is an independent contractor or an employee. 2 pages
PIA’s guide to the CAN-SPAM Act
An in-depth look at the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003 and how it affects the insurance industry when using email solicitation. 6 pages
Life insurance settlements—proceed with care
Comprehensive review of life-settlement arrangements and how they can affect your insureds. 9 pages
Does the Red Flags Rule affect me?
A brief overview of who is affected by these rules and what precautions must be taken to comply. 2 pages
Producer notification requirements regarding administrative actions
Outlines requirements in different states with regard to notifying the state insurance department when a producer is involved in an administrative action. 2 pages
Red Flags Rule—PIA offers guidance
Some of the most commonly asked questions about a producer’s requirement to comply with the Red Flags Rule. 2 pages
The history and origins of state anti-rebating laws
This resource kit gives you the background and a firm understanding of state anti-rebating laws and how to apply them in a business context. 3 pages
Online marketing, social media and insurance advertising laws
A review of different states’ rules with regard to online marketing or advertising. 2 pages
PIA multistate windstorm and hurricane deductible guide
A comprehensive review of the hurricane deductible rules for Connecticut, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Vermont and other neighboring states. 2 pages
How high is your duty-of-care?
This resource kit discusses how an agent must interact with their client to avoid breaching his/her duty of care. 2 pages
Price optimization (or, how a goat is gotten)
This resource kit discusses the issues surrounding price optimization and how some states are dealing with it. 2 pages
Prejudice and the claims-made policy
This resource kit discusses what can happen when a claim is reported late to a carrier on a claims-made policy. 2 pages
Insurance for punitive damages
A comprehensive discussion of punitive damages, their insurability and how certain states approach the issue. 2 pages
This resource kit provides information on rules and regulations in place for the use of drones for agencies and underwriting purposes. 2 pages
Sample homeowners insurance effective date notice
A sample notice to provide real-estate lenders/closing offices regarding binders prior to closing dates. 3 pages
Sample customer letter: Explanation of an impending insurance company rate increase
A sample letter that producers can send to their customers letting them know of an impending rate increase by their insurance company. 1 page
Summary of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 and sample disclosure form
An overview of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 requiring brokers and consultants to group health plans to disclose their compensation if they expect to receive $1,000 or more in direct or indirect compensation for providing their services. 3 pages
Protect your agency: copyright and trademarks
A discussion of how to protect your agency with copyrights and trademarks. 2 pages
Distorted patents and exorbitant premiums
Offers information on the background of patents and why they are costly to insure. 2 pages