Your CE topic, at your convenience, wherever you want it

Take advantage of PIA's Custom Class Webinars.

With the PIA member-exclusive Custom Class Webinars, your employees get tailored, targeted knowledge and continuing-education credits—without leaving the comfort of their homes.

Sign up for a PIA Custom Class Webinar, and have all licensed insurance professionals in your agency or company earn continuing-education credits at the same time—with substantial cost savings to your agency. With a wide-range of webinars from which to choose, your employees will gain important knowledge specific to your business’s operations that they can implement immediately.

PIA can help you stay current with your state’s licensing requirements. To make it even easier, the association will handle all the CE filing, preparation and booking, and document handling for your Custom Class Webinar.

As your organization plans for the near future, PIA is here for your CE needs. These webinars, taught by nationally recognized instructors, will help grow the skills and knowledge of insurance professionals. Let us help you.

Get started today.

For more information and a quote, fill out this form.